’s Top 10 Movies of 2011 – Critics’ Choice

1. Hugo (IMDb)
Directed by Martin Scorsese
(Paramount Pictures)

2. The Help (IMDb)
Directed by Tate Taylor

3. Moneyball (IMDb)
Directed by Bennett Miller
(Columbia Pictures)

4. Of Gods and Men (IMDb)
Directed by Xavier Beauvois
(Sony Pictures Classics)

5. The Descendants (IMDb)
Directed by Alexander Payne
(Fox Searchlight)

6. Super 8 (IMDb)
Directed by J.J. Abrams
(Paramount Pictures)

7. Midnight in Paris (IMDb)
Directed by Woody Allen
(Gravier Production)

8. The Tree of Life (IMDb)
Directed by Terrence Malick
(Fox Searchlight)

9. Win Win (IMDb)
Directed by Thomas McCarthy
(Fox Searchlight)

10. The Muppets (IMDb)
Directed by James Bobin
(Walt Disney Pictures)


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